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Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement
Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement Opportunities Events Meet the Buyer Business Support Local Business News Networking Business Engagement

Finditin Cookie Policy

We take our responsibility to protect your privacy very seriously. When you first visit our website we will ask you to select your preferences for the cookies that are placed on your computer or device. Please be aware however, that you are unable to opt out of ‘necessary’ cookies, which allow us to distinguish you from other users when you visit our website and ensure our website functions correctly on your device.

You can view and update your cookie preferences at any time by clicking the cookie icon on the bottom left of the screen. Please note if you change your mind and revoke your consent from any category at a later date you may need to clear your cookies and delete your temporary internet files for all items to be removed from your device.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a very small text file that is saved to the hard drive of your computer or device (such as your mobile phone or tablet) when you access a website. Cookies are used by most websites in order to make the website work, or work more efficiently. Cookies do not harm your device.

What do Cookies do?

Cookies enable us to collect information on a number of things, including recognising your device (so we can display the mobile version or tablet version of our website if you are viewing on a mobile device). Cookies also show us how you use our website and which pages you visit and allow us to customise your experience. They also provide information that helps us monitor and improve our website's performance.

How do we use Cookies?

We have divided our cookies into categories, and you are able to customise which cookies you allow onto your device, by category. You can also view a full list of cookies and third-party cookies that are used on this website in the table below.


These are the cookies that are essential for our website to operate effectively. They include cookies that allow us to remember your cookie preferences for example. Necessary cookies can only be disabled by changing your internet browser settings, although this may mean our website will not display or function properly.


These cookies allow us to recognise and keep track of the number of visitors to our website, and see which pages you view. This allows us to improve the functionality and design of our website, for example by ensuring you can easily find the content you are interested in.

Your Consent

Cookies and associated personal information used for essential purposes

In accordance with data protection laws, we do not request your consent to use these cookies as they are necessary to ensure this website works properly.

Cookies and associated personal information used for non-essential purposes

We will only store or read cookies on your device for non-essential cookies and process associated personal information (or allow our third party services providers and partners to do so) if you have given, and not withdrawn, your consent. We request this using the cookie tool that appears when you visit any page of this website.

How to provide your consent for non-essential cookies and associated personal information

When you visit this website for the first time, you will be prompted with a request to provide your consent for non-essential cookies and the personal information we receive as a result of their use. You can consent to all non-essential cookies or choose to consent to cookies by their individual categories of purposes of use by selecting, in each case, by selecting the appropriate option. If you do not provide your consent for these cookies, we will neither use them nor process any personal information in connection with them. Consequently, your provision of any personal information associated with the cookie is voluntary and you may withdraw your consent at any time. Any use of the cookie or associated personal information before you withdraw your consent will be valid and lawful. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information regarding your data protection rights.

Withdrawing your consent to cookies

You may withdraw consent that you have previously provided for cookies in one of three ways depending on the type of cookie:

  • Using the cookie tool we make available from this website. You can access the cookie tool by clicking the icon on the bottom left side of the screen, and withdraw your consent by setting the option for the relevant category of cookie to the “off” position. Please note email tracking cookies cannot be turned off using this tool.
  • Adjusting the settings in your web browser.
Most web browsers are set by default to accept all cookies. However, you may have the option to configure your web browser settings in such a way that the cookie information is displayed before storage, or to categorically reject them. You can find details on the various available settings for cookies and related changes for the most common web browsers by clicking on the relevant link below:
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Microsoft Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?locale=cs_CZ&viewlocale=en_US

Please note that any change to your web browser settings will only apply to the particular web browser for which you have adjusted your settings. If you use more than one web browser on a device, you must change the settings separately for each browser and, depending on the browser, for each device.

How long do Cookies stay on your device?

The length of time that our cookies will stay on your device varies from cookie-to-cookie. Some are known as ‘session cookies’ which will only stay on your device whilst you are viewing our website. Other cookies, known as ‘persistent cookies’ will stay on your device for a longer period. Some ‘persistent cookies’ will expire after a certain length of time, and others will stay on your device until they are deleted.

More Information?

If you would like to find out more information about cookies and their uses, or your privacy online, you may find the Information Commissioner’s website useful – www.ico.org.uk

What Cookies do we use?

Necessary Cookies

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Analytics Cookies

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